green background, white text: "Gluten-Free at Starbucks", a white Starbucks cup with green logo in a circle at the bottom ride, and splashes of coffee around the circle and in the top right and bottom left corners

Is Starbucks Gluten-Free? 100+ Menu Options (2025)

I was going to start this post by saying “Starbucks is amazing and everyone should love it”. But instead, I’m going to let you decide for yourself. 

Good news! Starbucks has many drink options with no gluten-containing ingredients.

However, Starbucks’ allergy disclaimer clarifies that cross-contamination is possible in Starbucks stores.

We cannot guarantee that any unpackaged products served in our stores are allergen-free because we use shared equipment to store, prepare, and serve them. Customers with allergies can find ingredient information for products on the labels of our packaged products or online at

Starbucks Website

Also, it is important to keep in mind Starbucks drinks, ingredient lists, and gluten-free options vary based on location, state, city, and especially country. The following information applies to the United States. 

(Sidenote, if you’re in the UK, you’re in luck. Because of the UK’s strict labeling laws, Starbucks is incredibly transparent about declaring gluten-containing ingredients in the UK.)

We’ve collected all the information you will need from extensive research, label reading, and communication with customer service and helpful baristas at our local Starbucks. 

How to Avoid Gluten Cross-Contact at Starbucks

Even though there is a risk of cross-contamination, you should know how to reduce that risk if you choose to order at Starbucks.

green background, white text: 6 Tips to Avoid Gluten at Starbucks. Starbucks coffee cup pictured in the background on the bottom right. List of six tips in white bubbles that appear to have been switched on, the way you would turn something on or off in an app or on your phone. Tips are: vet the ingredients at, allergy-train your friendly baristas, sanitize (or avoid) the blender, skip the shaker & stir in a cup, request inclusions from the back, buy prepackaged gf items (safest). in white text at the bottom

Vet the Ingredients in Your Favorite Starbucks Drink

If you want to find the ingredients of a drink to determine its safety, you can go to the Starbucks website or app to find the ingredients list for a food or drink item.

Click on a drink from the Starbucks menu. Then, scroll down and click on the “full nutrition and ingredients list” button to see what the drink contains.

What about Natural Flavors in the Ingredients?

You will see natural flavors in many of the drinks. For those who routinely check ingredient lists for hidden gluten, you’ll recognize “natural flavors” as a red flag that may mean hidden gluten.

We asked Starbucks about the possibility of hidden gluten in “natural flavors” which is frequently listed in its sauces and syrups. Starbucks responded:

We can confirm that none of the listed inquiries include gluten-containing ingredients. These ingredients are not certified as gluten-free and are not tested for the presence of gluten.

Starbucks Customer Service

Additionally, Starbucks is known to call out gluten ingredients, like in its chocolate almond milk shaken espresso which contains chocolate malt powder and clearly states barley as an ingredient.

ingredients list for Iced Chocolate Almondmilk Shaken espresso. Underlined (in red) text in the ingredients list: natural malt flavor (from Barley). "Barley" is additionally circled in red.

Starbucks isn’t required to declare gluten in its products and could stop doing so at any moment. If this bothers you as much as it does us, email your Representatives to support the Food Modernization and Labeling Act of 2023. If this act successfully passes, companies must declare barley and rye along with the top 9 allergens.

A Word about Oats and Oat Milk

While oats are naturally gluten-free, the majority of oats are cross-contaminated with gluten grains because they are grown in the same fields and processed in the same facilities. It is recommended that celiacs only consume gluten-free oats. Depending on your comfort level and doctor’s guidance, that may mean, labeled, certified, or purity protocol oats. Or no oats at all.

Starbucks oats are not gluten-free. This means oatmeal and parfaits with granola are not safe for individuals with celiac disease.

On the same note, the nondairy creamer used for nondairy cold foam contains oats and has no gluten-free claim. This is the creamer used to make any cold foam drinks with a nondairy base, like almond milk or oat milk. Ask your barista to use the dairy cold foam instead.

The toasted cookie topping found on top of the White Chocolate Macadamia Cream Cold Brew is also made with oats that are not gluten-free.

Starbucks’ Oat Milk is a different story! They generally use Oatly oat milk and Dream oat milk, which are both certified gluten-free. Always confirm the brand of oat milk at each local Starbucks when ordering, as stores have been known to switch the brand due to supply chain issues.

Allergy-Train Your Local Barista

Starbucks employees are not given allergy training.

They are, however, trained to be welcoming and accommodating.

So, if you ask for an accommodation, such as sanitizing the blender, they will be happy to help. Essentially, you’re their allergy training. The employees at our local Starbucks have been trained well! (lol) 

Explain you have celiac disease or gluten intolerance. Ask questions about ingredients, which are available in the app or they’ll happily show you labels. Request specific steps to prevent cross-contact, and explain how that precaution keeps you from getting sick.

Remember to say thank you!

Be Aware of Cross-Contact Risk in the Blenders and Shakers

Drinks that go in the blender or shaker are at higher risk of cross-contamination because drinks both with and without gluten-containing ingredients share the blenders and shakers.

Cookie crumbs and java chips contain gluten and are mixed in the blenders. Even the foam pitchers can be contaminated by barley malt, an ingredient in the chocolate foam.

So, if you want to heavily reduce risk, avoid blended drinks or drinks that go in the shakers. You can get drinks that aren’t shaken or blended like teas or some coffees.

However, there is a great alternative rather than avoiding drinks that go in the shaker altogether. You can ask that the drink is mixed in the cup rather than put in the shaker.

Unfortunately, there is no alternative for blended drinks, like frappucinos. They have to go in the blender.

You can ask the barista to sanitize (thoroughly wash)  the blender or shaker before making your drink. Make sure to be clear when you ask them to sanitize the blander. When I went to Starbucks and a new employee was working, I asked him to sanitize the blender and he held up a bottle of hand sanitizer (haha).

Personally, I just ask for the blender to be sanitized and verify the barista takes it to the back to be sanitized. They are very good about cleaning the shaker or blender. However, every location and employee is different. 

Similarly, ask the barista to sanitize the cold foam pitcher when ordering a drink topped with cold foam.

Be Careful with Inclusions

Java chips and cookie crumbles, which contain gluten, are stored by matcha powder, vanilla bean powder, and dried fruit inclusions. There is a risk of cross-contact.

We’ve been safely eating the dried fruit inclusions, as our local Starbucks keeps the fruit and matcha above the java chips and cookies, where they are less likely to be contaminated. This can differ based on location.

If you want to be safe, request the barista open a new package from the back.

Or you can avoid the dried fruit inclusions altogether. It won’t change the taste of your drink.

Safest Gluten-Free Options

The safest options at Starbucks are pre-packaged items with a gluten-free claim on the label. Here’s what Starbucks has to say about packaged products:

Starbucks requires all of our suppliers to have an effective allergen control program. They must make every effort to declare gluten as a potential allergen in our packaged products, including coffee.

Starbucks Customer Service

If you want to order a drink and understand it is not zero risk, the safest options are ordering plain coffee or sticking to drinks that can be poured directly into your cup (not shaken or blended).

You can also safely make just about any Starbucks drink you want at home. Check out 50+ Starbucks Copycat Recipes for inspiration.

Now for the fun. Let’s get to the menu!

Hot Coffees

Most hot coffees on the Starbucks menu do not contain gluten:

  • Plain Brewed Coffee (any variety)
  • Caffè Misto
  • Flat White
  • Caffè Latte
  • Blonde Vanilla Latte
  • Caramel Macchiato
  • Cappuccino
  • Espresso
  • Caffè Mocha
  • White Chocolate Mocha

Starbucks Coffee Travelers (to-go boxes with spouts that contain 12 servings of coffee and are often seen at meetings and sporting events) have no gluten ingredients. The four varieties are Veranda Blend, Dark Roast, Pike Place Roast, and Decaf Pike Place Roast.

Hot Teas

Most Starbucks teas have no gluten ingredients. Here are a few you can enjoy:

  • Chai Tea Latte
  • Chai Tea
  • Earl Grey Tea 
  • Teavana London Fog Tea Latte
  • Royal English Breakfast Tea 
  • Royal English Breakfast Tea Latte
  • Emperor’s Clouds and Mist
  • Matcha Tea Latte
  • Honey Citrus Mint Tea 
  • Jade Citrus Mint Brewed Tea
  • Mint Majesty 
  • Peach Tranquility 

Hot Drinks

Starbucks has a few beverages in the hot drinks category with no gluten ingredients:

  • Vanilla Crème
  • Steamed Apple Juice
  • Caramel Apple Spice Drink
  • Hot Chocolate 
  • White Hot Chocolate
  • Peppermint Hot Chocolate


Frappuccinos are one of the higher-risk items because the blender is used to make frappuccinos that contain gluten, such as:

  • New Chocolate Java Mint Frappucino (wheat in java chips and chocolate cookie mint sprinkles)
  • Mocha Cookie Crumble Frappuccino (wheat in java chips and chocolate cookie grind topping)
  • Chocolate Cookie Crumble Crème Frappuccino (wheat in frappuccino chips and chocolate cookie grind topping)
  • Java Chip Frappuccino (wheat in java chips)
  • Double Chocolaty Chip Creme Frappuccino (wheat in frappuccino chips)
  • Chocolate Mint Crème Frappuccino (wheat in frappuccino chips and chocolate cookie mint sprinkles)

That is a lot of gluten going through a shared blender.

But if you ask for the blender to be sanitized, you can reduce (not eliminate) cross-contact risk for other frappuccinos that don’t contain gluten:

  • White Chocolate Crème Frappuccino
  • Matcha Crème Frappuccino
  • Strawberry Crème Frappuccino 
  • Vanilla Bean Crème Frappuccino
  • Coffee Frappuccino
  • Matcha Crème Frappuccino
  • Chai Crème Frappuccino
  • Caramel Ribbon Crunch Crème Frappuccino
  • Espresso Frappuccino
  • Mocha Frappuccino
  • White Chocolate Mocha Frappuccino (not the seasonal toasted white chocolate varieties)

Cold Coffees

Plain black cold brew, iced, and nitro cold brew coffees are gluten-free and have the lowest risk of cross-contamination because they go directly into the cup and aren’t shaken or blended.

If choosing a shaken cold coffee, we recommend you skip the shaker, which has been contaminated by barley in the chocolate malt powder. Have your drink poured directly into a cup where you can stir or shake it yourself.

Starbucks’ chocolate foam also contains barley from the chocolate malt powder, and all other cold foam flavors are made in the same pitcher. To avoid cross-contact with barley, ask your barista to sanitize the cold foam pitcher.

In addition to plain coffee, there are some other fun cold coffees with no gluten ingredients: 

  • Salted Caramel Cream Cold Brew
  • Vanilla Sweet Cream Cold Brew
  • Starbucks Cold Brew Coffee with Milk 
  • Vanilla Sweet Cream Nitro Cold Brew 
  • Iced Coffee with Milk
  • Iced Shaken Espresso
  • Iced Caffè Latte
  • Iced Blonde Vanilla Latte 
  • Iced Caramel Macchiato 
  • Iced White Chocolate Mocha
  • Iced Caffe Mocha

You can also have the Iced Toasted Vanilla Oatmilk Shaken Espresso and Iced Brown Sugar Oatmilk Shaken Espresso (if you can tolerate oats). Just make sure to double-check that your Starbucks is using Oatly or Dream oat milk, which are certified gluten-free.

There are a couple of cold coffees you want to avoid. For starters, the Iced Chocolate Almondmilk Shaken Espresso is made with chocolate malt powder, which contains barley. Next up, you want to avoid the White Chocolate Macadamia Cream Cold Brew which has a toasted cookie topping made with oat flour.

Please note if you’re ordering a coffee with cold foam, double check it is the regular cold foam and not the non-dairy alternative because the non-dairy cold foam contains oats and is not labeled gluten-free.

Iced Teas

Following are Starbucks iced teas with no gluten-containing ingredients:

  • Iced Chai Tea
  • Iced Black Tea 
  • Iced Black Tea Lemonade
  • Iced Royal English Tea Latte
  • Iced Royal London Fog Tea Latte
  • Iced Matcha Tea Latte
  • Iced Matcha Lemonade
  • Iced Peach Tea Green Lemonade


You’ll be happy to know there are no gluten-ingredients in any of Starbucks Refreshers! I certainly know I’m happy. Here are several Refreshers you can enjoy:

  • Dragon Drink Refresher, 
  • Mango Dragonfruit Refresher 
  • Mango Dragonfruit Lemonade
  • Strawberry Açaí Lemonade
  • Paradise Drink Refresher
  • Pineapple Passionfruit Refresher
  • Pineapple Passionfruit Lemonade Refresher
  • Pink Drink 
  • Strawberry Açaí Refresher

There are dried fruit inclusions in the refreshers, which have a high cross-contact risk. They are stored by the java chips and other gluten mix-ins. Ask your barista for inclusions from a new container in the back. Or you can skip the dried fruit inclusions with no impact on the taste of your drink. 

Just remember to have the drink mixed in a cup or have the shaker sanitized to reduce the risk of cross-contamination from the shaker.

And enjoy your refresher! It’s my personal favorite variety of drinks at Starbucks! 

Seasonal Drinks

If you can’t have gluten but still want a festive holiday or seasonal drink, not to worry! There are plenty of options for you at Starbucks:

  • Pumpkin Spice Latte
  • Iced Pumpkin Spice Latte
  • Pumpkin Spice Crème
  • Pumpkin Spice Crème Frappuccino+
  • Pumpkin Spice Frappuccino+
  • Pumpkin Cream Cold Brew*
  • Iced Pumpkin Cream Chai Tea Latte*
  • Iced Caramel Apple Cream Latte*
  • Iced Honey Apple Almondmilk Flat White (sub regular cold foam)*
  • Iced Apple Crisp Nondairy Cream Chai (confirm certified gf oat milk, sub regular cold foam)*
  • Iced Apple Crisp Oatmilk Shaken Espresso (confirm certified gf oat milk)++
  • Iced Gingerbread Oatmilk Chai (confirm certified gf oat milk, sub regular cold foam)*
  • Gingerbread Latte
  • Iced Gingerbread Latte
  • Caramel Brulée Latte
  • Iced Caramel Brulée Latte
  • Caramel Brulée Frappuccino+
  • Chestnut Praline Latte
  • Iced Chestnut Praline Latte
  • Chestnut Praline Frappuccino+
  • Sugar Cookie Almondmilk Latte (2023 holiday sparkles do not contain gluten ingredients)
  • Iced Sugar Cookie Almondmilk Latte
  • Sugar Cookie Almondmilk Frappuccino+
  • Peppermint Hot Chocolate
  • Peppermint White Hot Chocolate
  • Peppermint Mocha (Hot or Iced)
  • Peppermint White Chocolate Mocha (Hot or Iced)
  • Peppermint Mocha Frappuccino+
  • Peppermint White Chocolate Crème Frappuccino+
  • Peppermint White Chocolate Mocha Frappuccino+
  • Peppermint Coffee (off-menu item, just add peppermint syrup to your coffee)
  • Lavender Creme Frappuccino+
  • Iced Lavender Creme Oatmilk Matcha (confirm certified gf oat milk, sub regular cold foam)*
  • Lavender Oatmilk Latte (confirm certified gf oat milk)
  • Iced Lavender Oatmilk Latte (confirm certified gf oat milk)*

Skip the Apple Crisp drinks that are topped with spiced apple drizzle: Apple Crisp Oatmilk Macchiato, Iced Apple Crisp Oatmilk Macchiato, and Apple Crisp Frappuccino. There is wheat in the spiced apple drizzle.

For 2023, the holiday sparkles on the Sugar Cookie Almondmilk drinks do not contain gluten. (2024 update coming soon!)

This has not always been the case. Some years the holiday sprinkles on certain drinks, such as the discontinued Toasted White Chocolate, have contained gluten. If you are ever in doubt, order your drink without sprinkles. Or if you want to stay festive, bring your own Betty Crocker sprinkles (check the label, most are labeled gluten-free).

Food Items

hand holding marshmallow dream bar with green label and white text: "Starbucks Marshmallow Dream Bar, Gluten Free"

Starbucks has plenty of prepackaged food and drink items safe for celiacs or people on a gluten-free diet. They have:

  • Marshmallow Dream Bar (a personal favorite
  • Kind Bars
  • Bottled Juice
  • String Cheese
  • Justin’s Chocolate Peanut Butter Cups
  • Starbucks Brand Chips (regular potato chips and, my favorite, sea salt & vinegar chips)
  • Starbucks Brand Butter-Flavored Gourmet Popcorn
  • Spindrift Flavored Sparkling Water
  • Perfect Bars
  • Peter Rabbit Organics Pouches 

They are all prepackaged and safe from cross-contamination.

Unfortunately, none of the bakery or unpackaged food items are safe from cross-contamination.

Starbucks egg bites have no gluten ingredients, but they are heated in a convection oven that blows around gluten crumbs. The egg bites may be safe for people not sensitive to cross-contamination, but not considered safe for celiacs or anyone sensitive to cross-contamination. 

This article was written by Miss E, my 12-year old daugher with celiac disease. It was edited by me, but maintains her unique voice as an author. While Miss E is quite experienced and capable of vetting restaurants and ingredients, she observed and took notes while I personally conducted all of the research with Starbucks employees, verifying ingredients, preparation techniques, and policies.


Starbucks is not a gluten-free environment and discloses that none of its unpackaged food and drinks are gluten-free due to the risk of cross-contact with gluten.

Many of its drinks have no gluten ingredients. Additionally, there are some pre-packaged food and beverage items that are labeled gluten-free.

Starbucks egg bites have no gluten ingredients, but Starbucks discloses that they are prepared in an environment where gluten is present. They are heated in a convection oven used to heat other gluten-containing bakery items, which carries a high risk of gluten cross-contact.

No, Starbucks oatmeal is not gluten-free. While oats are inherently gluten-free, they have cross-contact with gluten-containing grains in the field and during processing. For oats to be considered gluten-free they should carry a gluten-free claim by the manufacturer, indicating they contain less than 20 parts per million of gluten. Starbucks oatmeal does not carry a gluten-free claim.

Yes. Starbucks generally uses Dream Oat Milk and Oatly Oat Milk, and both are certified gluten-free. Occasionally, stores will use a substitute oat milk due to supply issues. Always confirm when you place your order that the oat milk is Dream or Oatly. Your local barista will happily show you the package.

Starbucks Hot Chocolate has no gluten ingredients. This includes Starbucks White Hot Chocolate and the seasonal Peppermint Hot Chocolate and Peppermint White Hot Chocolate.

Starbucks notes that these hot chocolate drinks are not certified gluten-free, nor tested for gluten, and they are prepared in a shared environment with gluten-containing products.

Starbucks caramel syrup and caramel sauce have no gluten-containing ingredients. They are not certified gluten-free nor tested for gluten.

Starbucks’ plain coffee is simply coffee. It has no added gluten ingredients.

Starbucks notes that its beverages are prepared in a shared environment with gluten-containing products.

Starbucks Chai Tea Latte has no gluten ingredients. However, Starbucks does not guarantee that its drinks are gluten-free as they are prepared in a shared environment with gluten-containing products.

No, Starbucks Chocolate Cream Cold Brew is not gluten-free. The chocolate cream is made with Chocolate Malt Powder, which contains barley, a gluten-containing grain.

Starbucks Peppermint Mocha has no gluten ingredients. This is the case for all varieties: Hot/Iced Peppermint Mocha, Hot/Iced White Chocolate Mocha, Peppermint Mocha Frappuccino, and Peppermint White Chocolate Mocha Frappuccino. Please note, Starbucks does not guarantee that its drinks are gluten-free as they are prepared in a shared environment with gluten-containing products.

There are no gluten ingredients in the Starbucks Pumpkin Spice Latte. Note, Starbucks does not guarantee that the popular PSL is gluten-free, as its baristas use the shared equipment to store, prepare, and serve all its products, including those with gluten ingredients.

While not certified gluten-free, Starbucks Sugar Cookie Almondmilk Latte has no gluten ingredients. In 2022 the holiday sparkles also had no gluten ingredients, but check each year, as seasonal toppings can change. Also, Starbucks does not guarantee that any of its unpackaged products are gluten-free, due to preparation in a shared environment with gluten-containing products.

There are no gluten ingredients in the matcha tea latte. According to Starbucks, the simple ingredients are just milk, sugar, and ground green tea.

The matcha powder (sugar and ground green tea) is usually stored in a container next to gluten-containing mix-ins (java chips and cookie pieces), increasing the risk of cross-contact. To reduce the risk, ask your barista if it is possible to get matcha from a new container in the back.

Note, Starbucks shares the nutritional information for its Matcha Tea Latte and for all its drinks on the Starbucks website and app.

Although not certified gluten-free, the Starbucks Caramel Macchiato contains no gluten ingredients. Starbucks lists the Caramel Macchiato ingredients on the company website: milk, brewed espresso, vanilla syrup, and caramel sauce. Both the vanilla syrup and caramel sauce contain “natural flavors”, which Starbucks verified do not contain gluten, when I reached out to customer service.

Please note, Starbucks does not guarantee that any beverages prepared in-store are gluten-free, as baristas are also using the same equipment to store, prepare, and serve gluten-containing products.

Starbucks Lemonade does not contain gluten ingredients. According to Starbucks, the simple ingredients in its lemonade are water, lemon juice, sugar, lemon oil, and ice. Please note that Starbucks does not guarantee that its lemonade is gluten-free as its stores are not a gluten-free environment and as baristas are storing, prepping, and serving gluten-containing products on the same equipment as the lemonade.

Starbucks unpackaged food products are not gluten-free. The bakery items and sandwiches contain gluten. The oatmeal and granola in the parfait are not made with gluten-free oats. The egg bites have no gluten ingredients but are heated in a convection oven with the gluten-containing baked goods (convection ovens circulate air around the oven, significantly increasing the risk of cross-contact). There are pre-packaged food products that are labeled gluten-free, including Marshmallow Dream Bars (amazing, better than Rice Krispies), Kind Bars, Perfect Bars, Starbucks Chips & Popcorn, and bottled drinks.

While many Starbucks drinks have no gluten ingredients, Starbucks does not guarantee that any of the beverages it prepares in-store are gluten-free due to possible cross-contact with gluten on shared equipment.

Popular drinks with no gluten ingredients include plain coffee, tea, cappuccino, espresso, hot chocolate, Caramel Macchiato, Blonde Vanilla Latte, Matcha Tea Latte, Pumpkin Spice Latte, Caramel Ribbon Crunch Crème Frappuccino, Coffee Frappuccino, Salted Caramel Cream Cold Brew, Lemonade, Refreshers, and more.

According to Starbucks’ customer service, there are no gluten ingredients in the seasonal lavender drinks: Iced Lavender Cream Oatmilk Matcha, Iced Lavender Oatmilk Latte, Lavender Oatmilk Latte, and Lavender Creme Frappuccino. As always, Starbucks does not guarantee its drinks are gluten-free

The new lavender drinks are variations of existing drinks, with the addition of lavender powder. The lavender powder ingredients are sugar, salt, natural lavender flavor, color from fruit and vegetable juice concentrate (carrot and black currant), and soybean oil.

Some of the lavender drinks include oat milk, as noted in their names. Starbucks generally uses Dream or Oatly oat milk, which are both certified gluten-free. Confirm that the oat milk is gluten-free before ordering, or opt for a different type of milk.

The nondairy creamer used to make the cold foam for oat milk drinks contains oats. Unlike Dream or Oatly oat milk, the nondairy creamer does not make a gluten-free claim. Ask your barista to make the cold foam with the regular creamer.

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One Comment

  1. Thank you for this detailed post! I appreciate the breakdown of gluten-free options at Starbucks. It’s great to know that there are so many choices available. I’ll definitely be trying out some of these menu items next time I visit!

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